As this discussion only comes around every 4 years - we thought we would give our view!
Firstly, congratulations to all those beautiful women who had the courage to ask their partners the big question. Leap year or not, some women want to feel in charge of their own destiny and lets face it - some men will never ask even if they really want to (or they just need a little push). A proposal from a women can be just as romantic and special for both parties. Best of all, its still a fantastic surprise and celebration when you announce it to your friends and family.
Don't forget, the notion of asking someone to marry them can be an overwhelming responsibilty for either party. Also, if we as a society care about supporting feminist views and improving equal rights, perhaps we should ignore the old school approach of men asking women. Indeed there are more women asking women and men asking men since same sex marriage laws recently changed. Forward thinking is the key here.
In other cases two people in love can casually decide to get married from their own discussions together, which we think is gorgeous. No one has to drop the knee and engagement rings (which can be worn by men and women) can be chosen together. Love is such an amazing gift - if two people have found each other - this is what is best of all.
If you've recently got engaged, don't forget to have a look through our save the date cards!